Here be dragons

Build and they come. But not for the third world.

So, Apple Mobile Processors Are Now Made in America. By TSMC

Crazy, right?

The Biden administration in the CHIPS Act for America invested $50 billion to revitalize the country's semiconductor sector. 39 billion for factories and 11 billion for in-house research and development. This act was signed in 2022 and came into force in 2023. By 2024 we can see the results of the state investment.

The crazy thing is that Brazil, albeit in its infancy, has CEITEC (in Porto Alegre) which the Temer government sabotaged and which the Bolsonaro government tried to privatize. In the name of management shock.

The US creates all this apparatus to prevent poor countries from investing in technology and, at the same time, injects billions (literally) into their domestic economy. Meanwhile, a bunch of chicagoboy Latin American liberals privatize everything, zero out investment in all areas and sabotage public services (with the backing of our journalism, it should be stressed) in the name of a supposed “unlocking of the economy”.

A good article is this one: O Último Suspiro do Brasil no Mercado Atual de Semicondutores: uma Análise a partir da Teoria da Dependência sobre a Manutenção e o Desmonte da CEITEC durante o Governo Bolsonaro (2019 – 2022)

And for those who want to read the CHIPS Act PDF: Frequently Asked Questions: CHIPS Act of 2022 Provisions and Implementation