Here be dragons

Pavel + Jail

Why is Pavel Durov (CEO/Founder of Telegram) imprisoned while Tim Cook, Elon Musk, Mark Zuck, and other CEOs are not? For the same reason that the USA, land of freedom, cornered TikTok (from ByteDance) and called it "sovereignty" but makes a scandal when the Supreme Court does the same thing with Twitter. One is Western-American, and the other is not.

Amazon, Meta, Apple, MS, Twitter, Google, and all big techs are the same thing. It's not that Pavel Durov isn't a big set of red flags (he is), but he's not the only one and not the main one. He was just born in the wrong corner of the world.


Pavel/Telegram has the same stance as Apple: pretending to be secure and concerned about "freedom and privacy" but deep down it's just a marketing/propaganda game.

The question about imprisonment is which laws we find fair, what we think about the people in power applying and shaping these laws, and, mainly, which lies we choose to believe.

An addendum that I think is important, and that most technology-related sites and people don't propose to do, is that "there is no 'conscious' consumption in capitalism."

What does this mean? It means that whenever you consume something (technology/program/service), you are signing a pact with an entity much more powerful than you and that, unlike the State, you have no influence over - and here we can delve deeper into the farce that is Western bourgeois democracy; but the point is that, even under this farce, we still have a minimum of influence over the State through elections, something we don't have in trillion-dollar companies.


Musk is not better than Tim Cook, who is not better than Mark Zucko, who is not better than Pavel, who is not better than Jason Fried, who is not better than Peter Thiel, who is not better than... and so on. They are all billionaire CEOs who run trillion-dollar (or nearly) companies, with obscure contracts with governments of military powers (EU countries, USA, Russia) and who propagate a liberal-anarcho-capitalist ideology of deepening misery and personal control (and by extension, control of the State itself, which is now in their pocket).