Here be dragons

Why Latin America doen't want Brazil at UN security council?

The ascension of Brazil as a regional power marks the culmination of a long-sought historical process, albeit one confronted by Hispanic America. Sources such as compilations of correspondence from the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs illustrate this trajectory. Since its independence, Brazil inherited the rivalry between Portugal and Spain, a dynamic that influenced its relationships with neighboring countries.

Frequently, the interests of Brazil and Hispanic America have been conflicting. Brazil benefited from the disintegration of the Spanish empire, fostering the formation of several surrounding republics, maintaining itself as a united and powerful nation. Historically, it thwarted regional integration initiatives that didn't guarantee its prominence, such as non-participation in Bolivar's Panama Congress and its role in the War of the Plate, where it prevented the reunification of the Vice-Royalty of the Plate (Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and possibly Bolivia).

Reciprocally, neighboring countries have always regarded Brazil with suspicion, seeing it as a power that expanded its dominion at the expense of Hispanic America. While acknowledging its influence, they also highlight its cultural isolation, allowing smaller nations like Mexico, Argentina, or Colombia greater influence due to linguistic and cultural proximity to other countries.

It's a scenario of realpolitik: Brazil aims to consolidate itself as the internationally recognized Latin American power, aspiring to a seat at the UN. However, for other countries, this would imply Brazilian hegemony in the region, granting it carte blanche to represent Latin interests and eliminating potential threats to its hegemony.